
Significant Breakthrough in Hefei Superconducting Proton Medical Research: Image-Guided Precision Localization of Tumor Lesions

2017-09-02 01:36:04

Hefei Superconducting Proton Medical System Achieves Major Breakthrough: HFCIM Successfully Develops Core Component CBCT Image-Guided System. The imaging quality and localization accuracy of the system have reached international advanced levels, enabling precise localization of human tumor for improved treatment efficacy.

CBCT stands for Cone Beam Computed Tomography, a type of imaging equipment that utilizes cone-shaped beam computerized tomography. It involves 360-degree digital X-ray projections around the patient. The principle behind CBCT is to reconstruct the data obtained from these projections in a computer, generating a three-dimensional image of the patient. This allows for precise localization of tumors, organs, and bones. By registering CBCT images with the patient's original diagnostic images, the proton beam's 'Bragg peak' can accurately target the tumor location, contributing to improved treatment outcomes for patients.

HFCIM R&D team has achieved a breakthrough in core technologies within a seven-month timeframe, covering engineering design, software development, integrated testing, and image optimization, successfully tackling core technologies such as three-dimensional CBCT image reconstruction, hardware acceleration for image processing, and image registration.

The CBCT image-guided system developed by HFCIM has the largest imaging field of view among similar products worldwide. It can distinguish tissues with a diameter as small as 0.45mm, achieving a positioning accuracy better than 0.5mm. This significantly enhances the precision of proton therapy. The achievement has garnered unanimous recognition from experts at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia and the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.

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