
HFCIM Successfully Passes Acceptance for the Construction of Anhui Provincial Technical Standard Innovation Base

2022-03-03 01:37:53

On March 3, 2022, Anhui Provincial Technical Standard Innovation Base (High-end Medical Devices) constructed by Hefei CAS Ion Medical and Technical Devices Co., Ltd. (HFCIM) successfully passed the acceptance, marking the official operation of the first provincial standard innovation base constructed by enterprises in Anhui province.


Since the base was approved for construction in December 2018,  HFCIM, together with the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Anhui Research Institute of Quality and Standards, and Huainan New Energy Research Center, has gathered high-quality resources for standardization, With the goal of building a technical standard development center, an innovation achievement transformation and application center, a group standard cultivation center and a training center, HFCIM has organized and participated in standardization work at home and abroad, and developed a number of representative international standards, national standards, local standards, group standards and the "Belt and Road" superconductivity, proton and nuclear energy international alliance standards. HFCIM has also achieved remarkable results in intellectual property rights, scientific research, talent training and industrialization.

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