
Hefei Superconducting Proton Cyclotron Enters New Campus for Integrated Assembly

2019-07-26 01:35:15

On July 25th, the core component of the Hefei Superconducting Proton Therapy System, the superconducting cyclotron arrived at the new campus located at Hefei High-tech Zone. A new round of magnetic measurements commenced, and the overall installation and integration of the system began. The project has transitioned from component development to the phase of comprehensive integration testing.

To minimize the impact of relocation on the project's research and development progress, a plan to relocate the integrated accelerator and subsystems as a whole has been adopted. As the superconducting magnet of is still in operation, the project team, through multiple discussions and precise arrangements, has prepared various contingency plans. This marks the first use of the plan to relocate the entire cyclotron.

At present, the integrated shielding experimental zone walls in the new campus have been completed. The beam line and treatment ends have undergone the benchmark network debugging and equipment installation. After relocation, the system will enter the intense wiring and debugging phase.

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